Edition 112

Dec 01, 2012 06:45

Fanfic: Derek/Stiles

Timebomb by cigarettestainedeyes (Mature)

Sing Us A Song Tonight by nuthinduan (Mature) [Underage]

Changeling Child by AlphaFeels (General Audiences)

Dancing With The Moon by starsandgraces (Teen)

I can be your hero by Supersidekick (Teen)

Complex Equations by quelling (Teen)

You Make Me See How Much I Have by korynnvictoria (Teen) (also (past) Stiles/Erica, Allison/Scott, Lydia/Jackson)

Mounting A Defense by quelling (Teen)

Apologies by 24Stiles (Mature)

“Dating, Candlelight, Dining, and then a little… Puck” by TheRowan (Mature)

With Scarves of Red Wrapped 'Round Their Throats by lucy_in_the_soup_with_croutons (Teen)

The Last Time by concert_hero (Explicit)

Fanfic: Other Slash
No Magic Necessary by welfycat (Isaac/Stiles | PG-13)

buried you deep under my skin by karomeled (Chris Argent/Alan Deaton | Explicit)

The Cupcake Bride by The_Unnatural_Disaster (havent_got_a_clue) (Finstock/Greenberg | Teen)

destined for greatness or madness by Godbriel (Scott/Stiles, Derek/Stiles | Mature) [Underage]

Not So Bad by scottmcniceass (Stiles/Jackson | Teen)

Fanfic: Femslash

The patterns moonlight makes by summerstorm (Allison/Erica | Teen)

shoot me down, but I won't fall by quintenttsy (Lydia/Erica | Teen)

Fanfic: Gen
hold on to your life (my love) by midnigthaze (PG-13)

Moving On by mythopathic (Teen)

careful kid with that wolf whistle, you never know what you’ll attract by sundancekid (Teen)

Fanfic: Polyamory/Pack

Stiles Stilinski's Knitting School for the Were, Other-Worldly and Supernaturally-Inclined by TypewriterLove (General Audiences)

Fanfic: Other

You Stole My Heart, Pumpkin by UnicornFarmerExtraordinaire (Derek/Stiles, Isaac/Scott, Lydia/Jackson, Boyd/Erica | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #1 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Stestiel Interaction #2 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #3 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #4 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #5 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #6 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Stestiel Interaction #7 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #8 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | General Audiences)

Stestiel Interaction #9 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Stestiel Interaction #10 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Stestiel Interaction #11 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Stestiel Interaction #12 by halewinchester (Supernatual Crossover, Gen | Teen)

Christmas icons by niniisolated
this ship will carry our bodies, safe to shore (Danny & Jackson) by midnigthaze
Lydia Icons by nowheretogo26

Podfic: Sideways and Slantways and Longways and Backways written by hologramophone read by striped_bowties (Derek/Stiles, Allison/Scott | Teen)
Podfic: He Gets Me High written by talktowater read by Janeyyy (Derek/Stiles, Derek/Jackson, Erica/Stiles, Derek/Danny, Danny/Stiles, Allison/Scott | Explicit)
Fanmix: How To Be A Heartbreaker by aragorn

Challenges and Memes
Teen Wolf Fall Harvest Round Up Week 4 at tw_fallharvest
All our Gifts are Posted! at tw_fallharvest

Comment to have any AO3 exclusive fics added. Please include a Title, Pairing/Gen, Rating and a link.

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