Title: Spark, Flame, Burn
maichanType: slash, AU
Word Count: 35949
Rating: M
Characters/Pairings: Derek/Stiles
Warnings: canon-typical violence, mostly off-screen torture, PTSD, species-ism, profanity out the wazoo, and kind of a grim tone overall.
He remembers his mother going out to protest in her "Proud Mom of a Special Child" shirt. He also remembers that she never came back.
In a deeply segregated city of the very rich and the very poor, a traumatized mutant turns up in Stiles' dark alley, and turns his world upside down. While a terrorist known as the Mutant Maker attacks and turns unsuspecting citizens, Stiles and his strange new friend must help each other stay alive and one step ahead of the Hunters who would take them down.
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