How to turn in your final fic & art drafts

Nov 16, 2014 17:05

Due to multiple requests, the final draft deadline has been extended to Friday, the 21st. Please make sure you turn in your fic or art by November 21st, 11:59 PM PST (GMT -8).

Please follow these instructions to submit your final fic and art drafts. This way we can know where people are and where to put them in the posting schedule (so authors and artists that are completely done will go towards the beginning, while ones that need a bit more time will be scheduled towards the end).

Email to

Subject line Fic - Title - Username - Complete/Incomplete (make sure you put which one applies to your fic)

Percentage Complete -
Do you need time for it to be beta'd (and if yes how much time do you think is needed)?
Days you can't post between December 1st and December 15th -

Username -
Title -
Word Count -
Characters/Pairings -

Then attach your fic as a doc, docx, or rtf format.

Email to

Subject line Art - Fic Title - Username - Complete/Incomplete (make sure you put which one applies to your art)

Percentage Complete -
Days you can't post between December 1st and December 15th -

Then either attach the artwork or send a link to where you will be hosting it.

The posting schedule will be made available on Monday, November 24th. Posting instructions will go up after the schedule is finalized, and actual posting will begin on December 1st.

If you can't turn anything in and want to drop out of the challenge email us and let us know ASAP.

!round 4, !mod post

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