Aug 29, 2014 18:37
Sorry for missing the first two checkpoints! Things have been crazy on our end but here is the last checkpoint for the round! Sign ups do not close so if you still want to jump on board feel free to join either track or join as an artist.
Remember, rough drafts are due September 17th (information about how to turn your rough draft in will be going up later this week) but don't start panicking yet! You’ve still have plenty of time to get it ready and written.
Before we get into the checkpoint we want to give you a few small updates:
If you already feeling like you won't make the rough draft deadline and are thinking about dropping out remember we do have an Unofficial Track for those who want to keep trying. What this means is your fic won't go into claims but you will have until the final deadline (November 16th) to finish and if you do the mods will arrange an artist for you.
Now, time for the last checkpoint!
These aren't mandatory so please don't worry about missing anything or being dropped from the challenge.
Here is how the checkpoint works. We are keeping a spreadsheet for the authors, tracking their progress through out the challenge. Comment to the post with the below filled out.
Current Word Count:
What I Like About the Story:
What I Don’t Like About the Story:
Do you think you'll hand in a rough draft by Sep. 17th?
Anything Else: (personal issues that are making it hard to write, need someone to read through what you have and give feedback, need to rant a little?)
Current Word Count:
What I Like About the Story:
What I Don’t Like About the Story:
Do you think you'll hand in a rough draft by Sep. 17th?
Anything Else: (personal issues that are making it hard to write, need someone to read through what you have and give feedback, need to rant a little?)
If you are writing more than one story please fill out one of these for both. It's completely fine to have no words at this point, and don't be discouraged if you see someone else with a lot. People write at different paces (or they could have started their story a while back).
As always feel free to cheer on your fellow writers.
!round 4,
check in