Title: Glasses, Coins and Golden Rings
containerparkType: slash, historical AU (Civil War)
Word Count: 25k
Rating: explicit
Characters/Pairings: Stiles/Derek, Heather/Isaac, Mr. Stilinski/Mrs. Stilinski
Warnings angst, mentions of wartime trauma, recovery after an injury, period-appropriate homophobia and sexism, improbably happy endings
Summary: Stiles and his mother have worked the farm together since his father left for the War of the Rebellion, ten years ago in 1862. His best friend Heather is the only one who knows what happened on the day the soldiers came through their valley, and the improbable hope to which they both hold.
Link to fic master post:
on AO3 or
on Fanfic.net (without pictures)
Link to art master post:
on Livejournal