Title: My Isabella
luvsbitca (Moonbeam)
keyweegirlieType: kid!fic, slash, fluff, and boy being oblivious.
Word Count: 60 000ish
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Derek/Stiles, (background Allison/Scott, Jackson/Boyd, and Stiles/OFC)
Warnings: None
Summary: Stiles didn’t tell anyone when Sophia first told him.
“I’m pregnant…it’s yours.”
Stiles is just about to graduate university when he finds about he’s about to be a father. When the mother decides she wants nothing to do with the child Stiles steps up as a single dad with the help of his father and the pack. And especially Derek who might have ulterior motives about all the time he is spending with Stiles and his daughter, Isabella.
Link to fic master post:
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LJLink to art master post:
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LJ Thanks: HUGE, ENORMOUS THANKS to keyweegirlie who made such beautiful art. I want to jump into it and give them all hugs. So Amazing.