Long time no see!
Actually I'm not giving up this LJ but I don't have much freetime lately. A full-time job is really a big challenge for me who used to be lazy at school.
Maybe when I can, I'll try my best to update all the things I have to this LJ - my world.
A friend created an interesting project so I help her a bit by posting this entry. Hope someone here will read and participate ^^
Thank you so much!
Bring your's wishes to Arashi
>> Link:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1VIvpAWFyJ9YVxfLVqZzfYY0PhzGudxuJPWU39G1yjyU/viewform?edit_requested=true "This is an idea by An Minh Chau Le, who has orgranized a project on the occasion of celebrating Arashi's 20th anniversary by producing a song as a gift for them in English. This song consists of 5 parts and each part is a wish from our fans. All those wonderful wishes will be sumed up and transformed into beautiful lyrics. The chorus will be a transmission of a total meaningful message of the whole fandom. There will be a link confession for everyone to be able to send their wishes. We need so much help from you guys to spreed this project and be able to have Arashi receive this. If possible, we surely want any of you guys in this fan club to inform the staffs. We have an unshakeable belief that if we all act in accord with this project, we will definitely sing this song together to Arashi in their concert."