The end is here

May 22, 2012 16:45

Oh House. You were so far beyond realism in the end you could end with House faking his own death.

It was very typically David Shore, a whole self-indulgent episode about examining House's psyche (revealing absolutely nothing we haven't already been told about him - many times). And yet I still teared up when that final montage started, so I guess I kind of liked it.

The little character end notes were perfect. House and Wilson free to ride around the countryside together, Chase as the new House, Cameron finally finding happiness without them - as a mother (!!) - and with some guy who looks remarkably like Chase.

I thoroughly enjoyed how little House's new team were in it (since I don't know who the hell they are), and how much the old guest stars were. Maybe they knew to cater to all of the old fans tuning in. It was a nice touch not including the main guest stars' names at the beginning - I didn't expect to see Cutthroat Bitch or Stacy!

As tedious as they were, I think House's hallucinations made it clear, at least, that Cameron means something to him. She was the last one. He saw her when he wanted to give in and die (and unlike the others she was a comforting presence, much like she was in No Reason), and she challenged him and kicked him into action, finally. I suppose I'm pleased that it was a hallucination of Cameron that gave him the motivation to at least try and change his life. She has always believed he's capable of being better.

I also appreciated what Cameron said about him at the funeral, and the wistful little smile she had at the end when she was looking at the picture of the four of them, before she went to join her family. She will always love him (and the old team), but she can move on and have her happy ending without him.

The funeral scene was absolutely ridiculous (and Cuddy must be mega pissed, since she was about the only person in his life who didn't show up!) but you know. I expected silliness.

tv: house

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