Noah and the next couple months

Feb 24, 2011 16:05

Oof! So Noah has severe out of control asthma. He couldn't breathe in his class room or walk down the hall without an attack this week. He's been on 2 full breathing treatments (nebulizer) a day. It hasn't helped. Today he went to the doctor with my mom and they came out with many many issues. My older boy has 60% lung ability of someone his age and that's when he's NOT having an asthma attack. They did an allergy test and several x-rays and blood work. They tested for so many things all at once and the tests came back pretty bad. They upped the dose and gave him an inhaler for day use and he will need to do a sleep test and be fitted for a CPAP at night. They will be taking out his tonsils at some point in the next two months. He needs to go on a Gluten free diet (A TALL ORDER) and he has several other breathing allergies like pets, cleaning fluids, tree pollen... Just to name a few. Almost anything will set him off.

I am very worried for my little brave guy. However he hasn't been able to breathe for so long now (getting worse for 2 years) that I suspect ANY of this will help heck I may ball of energy in him at some point and that would be lovely.
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