First off, a cheeky ASH pic (talking about that episode where you see ASH's tush in Manchild in Season 2?!) his expression! ^_^
^^An old-stylee blend of Brendan Fraser in one of my favourite films of his - Still Breathing. I'm actually kinda pleased with how this one turned out, but it seemed to take me forever to finish.^^
^^Another Gwenny blend - I'd never blended this photoshoot of her before, so I was a bit apprehensive, but I think it turned out okay. ^_^ ^^
^^Mini-Pammy Anderson wallpaper. Just centre it on your desktop and it should look okay. ^_^ Pamela Anderson is such an interesting subject to blend and I think she's so brave with what she has had to put up with in life and I think she's a good role-model (apart from the video thing, but we'll gloss over that). ^_^ ^^
^^ Ma Britt-Britt again! ^_^ Gotta love her with the pink and everything. ^_^ ^^
^^ This is my first colourisation for AGES, so please excuse the crappiness. I love the black and white version of this photo and was just curious as to how it would look with colour. ^_^ ^^
Right, one more post to go and then I'll get dressed (still in me jammies... -_-), start putting my layout together (still designing it) and then I'll make some icons! ^_^