
Feb 19, 2011 08:02

Character: Peter, Nathan, Arthur
Fandom: Heroes
Word count: 685 
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Hint of child abuse
Prompt: Heroes Bingo: Abuse/comfort - Incest

The bedroom was dark with just a hint of light coming from under the closed door. Peter laid on his bed, covers laid loosely to his chest with his hands laced under his head as he just stared up at the ceiling. A storm raged outside, rain pelted at his window and it was making it difficult to listen for footsteps coming down the hallway.

Peter knew something was going to happen tonight, his father was drinking heavily. That was why he headed to bed early, out if sight meant out of mind when it came to him and his father. Unfortunately, that wasn't how it worked with Nathan. Their father was always on him if he wasn't perfect, didn't come home with straight A's, didn't win the game or his tie wasn't just right.

He hadn't noticed them until their shadows blocked out the light from under the door. Peter quickly closed his eyes in case one of them opened his door to check on him. In hushed voices he hear them argue right outside his room.

"I'm shipping out in a couple weeks, dad. I just wanted to have some fun, hang out with my friends before I leave." Nathan whined.

"A curfew is a curfew, Nathan. It doesn't matter how old you are. You don't think the Navey has rules you need to follow?" Came their father's husky, stern voice.

"I know that, but It was only a hour. I didn't do anything illegal. Smell my breath, I didn't even drink."

Peter heard a smack of hand to flesh and his older brother grunt under the impact.

"You will speak to me with more respect than that, son."

Peter bit his lip hard as he heard his brother mumble under his breath. He knew that this was going to get worse for his big brother.

Another smack echoed off his walls.

"You will speak so I can understand you." Father said getting more angry, obviously forgetting to keep quiet for his youngest son that slept just a few feet away.

"Dad, please, Peter is trying to sleep."

Peter heard his father sigh and lower his voice. "To your room for your punishment."

Nathan had fear in his words and Peter hated when is brother was hurting, but there was no way he would go against his father. He liked being invisible, he wouldn't want the kind of attention Nathan always seemed to get.

"Dad, no. Please. I won't see my friends again. I...I'll make my curfew from now on. Please, Sir."

"I need to spend some quality time with you myself before you ship out."

Peter heard the door to Nathan's room close and then there was silence, even the storm outside had settled down to a soft drizzle. His stomach felt queezy imagining what his father was doing to the brother he loved so much.

He woke with a start as he heard Nathan's door open and close again; the man's heavy footfalls stopping in front of his room. Peter held his breath as he tried to look like he was sleeping afraid he would be next on his father's punishment list, though he had done nothing wrong. The shadow moved on as the footfalls faded down the hall.

Peter waited a few minuets before sneaking out of bed, quiet as a mouse he scurried over to Nathan's door and slipped into his room. "Nate?" His little voice peeped. Peter's little fingers reached up for the light switch.

"Leave them." Nathan whispered from the big bed.

Peter left the lights off and crept closer to the edge of the bed, "Are. . . Are you okay, Nate?"

The covers were pulled to the side and Nathan patted the empty space on the bed. He never understood how his little brother always knew when he needed comfort, "Come here, Petey."

Peter crawled into the bed and Nathan pulled his little brother close, covering him up securely. Pete wiped a tear from Nathan's cheek.
"I love you, Nate." Then he snuggled into his chest, closed his eyes and finally drifted off to sleep. 

fic, arthur, flashback, nathan, bingo, peter

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