From Twitter 04-09-2011

Apr 10, 2011 03:08

  • 01:46:39: @ PastBoyScout O.o
  • 01:48:34: @ TeenPeter *pretends not to have seen anything, but keeps looking at the fireplace* Nothing... how are you, bro?
  • 02:13:39: @ LycanGray It's such a nice spring afternoon. I could have ported, flew or ran to @speedyflirtD 's apartment, but decided to walk and enjoy-
  • 02:16:07: @ LycanGray the weather. To bad I didn't have my skateboard. With my pack on my back and my buds in my ears, I trudge onward. The music -
  • 02:20:21: @ LycanGray pumping into my brain has sent my thought to one of my favorite comics and I start to immerse myself into it. I noticed his -
  • 02:21:33: @ PastBoyScout *pretends not to have seen anything, but keeps looking at the fireplace* Nothing... how are you, bro? ((@ myself by accented))
  • 02:22:39: @ PastBoyScout ((**Accident sorry for the delay.))
  • 02:24:38: @ LycanGray shadow before his big frame, preventing me from running into him. We stare at one another as I remove the music from my ears. -
  • 02:25:04: @ LycanGray "Hey, what's up?"
  • 02:26:56: @ PastBoyScout *Not like I haven't seen myself naked before, but keeps eyes up* A bit ago. Interesting place you have here. What do you do?
  • 02:31:34: @ PastBoyScout Your job. What do you do? Don't remember if you ever told me.
  • 02:37:53: @ LycanGray We continue on to the apartment and I take a seat next to him on the steps. I can feel he's changed since the last time I saw him
  • 02:39:55: @ LycanGray . He's calmer, less on edge, but I hate when people say those words. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "What happened, Gabe
  • 02:41:18: @ LycanGray ? Is Peter alright?" His Peter wasn't as powerful as me, if something happened I don't know if he could defend himself.
  • 02:44:38: @ PastBoyScout *Eyes wide* That's a new one. What's with the castle. Little flashy isn't it. *Might be a bit jealous*
  • 02:53:04: @ LycanGray "Oh, good. I'm glad he's okay." I'm glad I was able to do something good, too. "What happened?"
  • 02:54:07: @ PastBoyScout You must feel like Bruce Wayne living here. Do you have a bot cave too?
  • 03:01:21: @ LycanGray I visibly shake as he recounts the events, my heart breaking for my brother, wishing I could have been there and kicked that -
  • 03:05:12: @ LycanGray Noah's ass myself. I hesitate, then pat his knee in comfort. "Did you kill him?"
  • 03:07:28: From Twitter 04-08-2011
  • 03:07:32: @ PastBoyScout *smickers* You like your martinis shaken not stirred, too?
  • 03:10:10: @ LycanGray I give him an odd look, wondering what he was going to say. I nod in response. "Good. No one messes with a brother of mine." I'm-
  • 03:11:15: @ LycanGray all worked up now and feel like burning something.
  • 03:20:49: @ LycanGray Wow, he's s\actually saying something nice to me...this is sooo weird. I may be blushing. "Well, Daph would be devastated if -
  • 03:21:41: @ LycanGray something bad happened to you. So everyone wins here."
  • 03:29:18: @ LycanGray I give him a chuckle until what he said sinks in ."What?"
  • 03:30:45: @ PastBoyScout *And people call me a kid* Wow, dude. You live in your own little world don't you?
  • 03:37:36: @ PastBoyScout Do you have a dragon in the dungeon?
  • 03:43:11: @ LycanGray I don't know what to say, I'm torn between being proud of Topher for doing what he did and the fact that Gabe took my son into-
  • 03:45:16: @ LycanGray danger. I stand up and pace before him. " took my son into a dangerous situation. If this Noah knew how to take down a -
  • 03:46:43: @ LycanGray werewolf, he would have known how to kill a vampire. He could have been killed and not come back." I stop and rub my forehead. -
  • 03:47:12: @ LycanGray "He is okay, right?"
  • 03:52:22: @ Cathy_Petrelli ((drama queen. :p ))
  • 03:53:50: @ PastBoyScout Goodnight *ports home* ((Sorry missed this.))
  • 03:56:29: @ LycanGray "Please tell me you haven't told Daphne like this? You know how she gets."
  • 04:04:26: @ LycanGray I scrub my face wondering why she hadn't told me herself. "Oh, Gabe. Do you have a brain in that furry head of yours. I'm -
  • 04:05:01: @ LycanGray surprised you still have a head after telling her this."
  • 04:14:17: @ LycanGray I take some deep cleansing breaths to keep me from blowing something up. "As long as everyone came out alive...other than the -
  • 04:15:14: @ LycanGray bad guy, we're okay. Thank you for letting me know." Though Daphne should have done it.
  • 04:26:44: @ LycanGray I shoot him a look. "It's not funny, Gabe. I may be only seventeen, but the thought of losing my son scares the hell out of me."
  • 04:56:34: @ LycanGray "You need to go, Gabe. I need to let off some steam." I take a look around then bend my knees and take to the sky, flying off.
  • 06:47:14: Petrelli Legacy #polyvore
  • 07:59:27: @ Cathy_Petrelli ((DM))
  • 09:37:45: *busy filling out applications to school*
  • 09:47:08: @ SpeedyFlirtD *Smiles up at her, then eats the cupcake. Being careful not to get any frosting over his work.* Love you.

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