Mar 24, 2007 15:24
i like to be in control, because it sure beats being helpless. i like knowing who or what i'm up against, and i like knowing that i can do something about it. maybe that's why i hate walking into caves of the unknown. it's filled with darkness, and with each step that i take, i never know what it is that's ahead of me. part of me knows that it's easiest to just turn around and run back out the way i came in, because i've walked that path before. but sometimes, i know, it takes a bit of courage and faith to continue walking ahead, even though my mind is racing and i can feel my heart beating up to my ears. we're all surrounded by fear, but the difference between running forward and running backward is not that you let the fear overwhelm you, but that you let it engulf you. let it swallow you, but recognize it as only an emotion that can only do so much. in fact, that's really all it can do. don't allow it to be the emotion that holds you back, but let it be the driving force that pushes you forward. fear is your mind's way of letting you know it's worth taking the risk, that you've got that much more at stake.
it's spring break!