Jul 29, 2006 02:05
relationships - of all kinds - aren't measured by the power that one holds, or on the number of wins or losses. no one keeps score on how many times a person is right or wrong, or on who wins round 1 of the argument.
relationships, however, are based on mutual respect and communication. it's realizing who's indeed right and who's wrong, and admitting to it. it allows us to put aside our stubbornness and pride for a brief moment to apologize. it allows everyone to talk about their differences, as well as the misunderstandings that resulted. it allows us to own up to our mistakes. but most of all, it's accepting that a mistake's been made, and a desire to change as a result of that. without that, the relationship would simply tumble down this endless cycle of arguments and disagreements. any apology, if made, would be superficial. no one's changed - the person they are at the end of the argument is the same person they were when they began the argument. in the end, everyone ends up getting hurt...again, again, and again. suddenly, the relationship which we found was once meaningful and special becomes something hopeless and dissipates forever into a whole bunch of nothingness. try as we might in the future to search for what was once alive and beautiful, we'll find no evidence that such a relationship ever existed.
so, if we try and hold on hard and long enough, we can still salvage what we can of the relationship before it's too late. relationships are supposed to be worth the sacrifices and the pain. so at what point in our lives do we realize that it's not worth anything to us anymore? when do we stop trying and simply give up?