Jan 04, 2005 16:24
Well I am about to fall asleep right now....I went bike riding in St. Pete with Kyle, Will, and Kevin...we must have rode for at least 5 miles...it was fun. I got some ice cream and defeated the whole purpose of all that bike riding...but whatever. The other day I played some tennis with Dan and Richie...then Richie had to leave so me and Dan hung out afterwards...I was kinda suprised that he asked me what I wanted to do instead of just leaving from the tennis courts. Oh! And the night before that I was at Dans...and there is a knock at the door...so Richie goes to answer it and this blonde chic is like "is stephanie there?" So I intially thought that she hit my car cause it was parked in the road...but how woudl she know my name? SOmething just wasn't adding up...so I walk out...see a mustang and am like "oh shit..jamie" So I turn around and Richie is shutting the door on us! I am like "Richie! Thats Jamie!" So he walks out with me...and she is like "whats up bitch? why do you always have to have a bodyguard?" I was like "why do you want to fight me?" And she says...this is great...she made up a new word..."because you're a horrory bitch"....horrory?! Hun...I think you've been smoking a little too much weed. SO I turned around and went back in the house...stupid psycho girl. Lets see...what else? I got a hair cut...my first visit to the Avalon Spa..haha. THis 21 year old guy washed and deep conditioned my hair...he was really sweet. He asked me if I had a boyfriend..lol. SO that was fun. And one last thing...I was talking to Dave online and I wanted to show him this pic of me in a bathing suit that I was gonna send to Dan to ask if Dave thought it was too slutty. SO I told him I would upload it on facebook real fast..well it must have been up for 30 seconds before I switched it back...and the Joe guy that has been sending me messages from facebook saw it!!! What are the chances?! I mean can we say "stalker?" I don't think I am gonna talk to him after that...Because it is really weird that he just so happened to be looking at my profile at that same exact time. Ugh! Why do I only attract jerks and stalkers?! Sigh! Allright well I think my arms are gonna fall off or my legs...lol....I'm gonna go lay down.