I feel like writing more...11:46pm

Jun 12, 2006 23:17

Why is it that I feel so at home when I am at this computer? I know that it's not good for me, but it's nearly an addiction. I love to ...I dont know! Just be here...I like LJ, too. It seems easier to type than to write, anymore. I've become so obsessed. it's also helped me improve my written English if you haven't been able to tell. I've been excersizing my grammar and better word use. Ah, whatever though. I still think I sound like an idiot when I talk. lol. Dont ask what I'm even blabbering on about now.
Basically I just wanted to write more.
My brother is watching the Incredibles...AGAIN. Let's see. This is probably the 150th time. Seriously.
hmmm. pop corn. Its quite tasteless in my mouth right now.
OHHH! Jessica and I watched two Josh Groban music videos today at her house. He is so young and skinny looking(though the videos were made in 2001-2002)...it doesnt look like he could possibly produce THAT voice. And yet, to me, he's still so...

Goodnight, doll face.

Como sobrevivir?
Como calmar mi sed?
Como seguir sin ti?
Como saltar sin red?

Con ese adios tan salvaje y cruel
Me desojaste la piel
La eternidad en final se quedo
y un desierto es...mi corazon...

si volvieras a mi and per te

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