Feb 17, 2006 21:28
Its weird. We played badminton(it turns out that THATS how you spell it...not BADMITTEN.lol) and at first I hated it...but after Saran helped me learn to serve better...well....in a way I kinda fell in love with the sport lol. I became excited to come to gym every morning while we played it. ...Me and Elise had fun haha. We are totally gonna go be on the USA olympic badminton team hahahaha lol...nawww. i didnt play it totally right...but it takes practice with any sport.(Oh and the thing you hit...isnt called a birdie....its a SHUTTLECOCK. hahahahahahahaha.....woo)
Unlike some people...Im not that athletic...and i dont like to run...(though, my favorite sport is soccer..haha)...so maybe this is a type of sport that I could possibly do. lol. Lately..I've been in search of a hobby, or more specifically, some kind of sport that I'd enjoy. And as lame as it may sound.....I like badminton.
so there.
yay. (btw: I love watching the Winter Olympics this year! Has any one else been watching?)
Well...I guess I'll go. Oh! Recently I discovered that I also love the movies: Wallace and Gromit: The curse of the Ware rabbit...and The Corpse Bride. I love Kiddy movies...so...THERE again!
Ne way...bye. & ttyl.