a brief conversation

May 09, 2006 22:10

here is bonafide proof that i am as stupid as i say i am. allen is alice and pancake is myself and the convo below is silly and lovely and selfexplanitory. enjoy. haha. abra, feel free to slap me.

allen rice : and i said what about
pancake : breakfast at tiffany's
pancake : she said
pancake : i think
pancake : i remember the film
pancake : hells yeah
allen rice : beth taught me that
pancake : ps whenever you do that to me i think you are just accidentally iming me part of some other convo
allen rice : guess what number song out of 1881 your ipod is on
allen rice : yea i know i know
allen rice : riiiight NOW
pancake : ah
pancake : ahh
pancake : ahh
pancake : all we have?
allen rice : nono, the number song
allen rice : like song blank out of 1881
pancake : ooooooooooooooh
allen rice : riiiight NOW
pancake : breakfast at tiffany's
allen rice : DUMB
allen rice : BUM
allen rice : the NUMBer song
allen rice : like, ie, copying song 11/20
pancake : oooooh
allen rice : riiight NOW
pancake : 12/1881
allen rice : unbelievable
allen rice : it was 940
allen rice : stupid
pancake : egads
pancake : i really am
allen rice : hahaah
pancake : can i put that on the record
pancake : of me being actually stupid
pancake : cause i want to
allen rice : yes pelase

much love. stolen music. itunes. erm, my ipod. kicking the shit out of lamoille (cause it was fun). jules.
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