fate fell short this time.
your smile fades in the summer.
place your hand in mine;
ill leave when i wanna.
hm i havent updated in a while.
incase you wanted to know, im doing wonderfully. sure there are a few ups and downs but heck, it makes life more interesting.
im quite optimistic at the moment. and im totally diggin' it.
me and mommy are getting along and we're rebuilding our relationship.
i've been getting along a little more better with the twins.
im almost enjoying the family scene.
before zach left he asked 4 things of me.
1. try to somehow ease up on my dad.
2. have fun and dont hold bak.
3. dont get into too much trouble
4. get along with my sisters cause they're all i've got.
my mom has said number four to me constantly since i can remember. but hearing it from him,
idunno. it made me wanna actually apply the effort. maybe cause it wasnt coming from a family member.
in other news, i lost weight. and im NOT happy about it.
i look(and feel) rediculously exausted. and i look somewhat sickly.
but whatever, for some odd reason im enjoying and somewhat embracing the stupid flaws on my body.
which i suppose is good because its not like theres much i can do about them.
vbs started wednesday yayyyy its great.
thursday james and i ran to the mall to get mommy a present and then
thursday night i went to emily's house with my homies after a stressful night.
it was just what i needed. i lover them alot.
friday tim came over and we went swimming and watch tv & the notebook.
it was nice cause i hadnt seen him in a while.
saturday i went to playland with mommy titi and the twins.
that was alright. nothing TOO amazing. but it was pretty fun.
then last night neil came and visited after work.
today uncle butchy came over with titi and we bbq'd and yeh.
now we have the fire going on the patio and are roasting marshmallows.
so im gonna show pictures and get me some marshmallows..
cute moves nick.
brian marullo, you are too cool for freakin school.
i love nick rodriguez cause he lets us photograph him.
yes world, mark hellerman IS looking at my camera volunterily(sp)
asldfj <333
dave bustin' a move
mark dances too.
emily = love
yeh. we're hott.
who wears a belt on their bathing suit? freak.
me and charles.
the c is silent so its prounounced harles.
with a heavy H.
pondering life.
nice face.
marissa and her new biffers.
sisterly love. and marissa
ferris wheel.
:] revelations are lovely.
and so is neil modi visiting me after work.
goodbye lovers.