Nov 05, 2008 10:10
So #11 is done. On to #12.
I've been getting some great feedback lately...just wish I could dish out these comics faster. I'm thinking of sending out some samples to various indie comic book stores across the nation to see if anyone picks 'em up...
At the rate I'm going, I think I can have 11-15 done by December. When this whole thing is done of course, I'm gonna have to fork out for a nice hardcover version or something. Who knows.
While Googling "filipino skinheads" I came across a Filipino National Socialist Apparently there are Pilipino Nazis. Or shall we say, Pilipino Natsis? NATSI! "Brown Skins" in the PI seem to be the equivalent of neo-nazi skins here in the USA. Interesting indeed. More on this later.