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’m not sure when it happened. I’ll bet that it was right under our collective noses. But somehow my little baby peapod grew up and turned 3.
Seemed like just yesterday we were wheeling her out of the hospital in the stroller that seemed so big:
We took her home, making sure she got lots of rest:
With warm places to snuggle:
And good things to eat:
Warm baths:
And had lots of playtime fun:
She had animal friends:
And protection from the ones that went rogue
And, of course, we made sure she was always, always, fashionably attired:
Most importantly, she was loved, totally and completely:
But somehow all these moments have added up to my being the mommy of a 3 year old little girl. As I look at and listen to this marvel, I am struck by how much she has matured. Yet you can still catch glimpses of the newborn, infant, and the young toddler she was. Happy birthday, to you, my lover-girl. Mommy & Daddy love you now and forever!