One Centimeter

Apr 13, 2007 00:26

Originally published at Welcome To The Dollhouse. You can comment here or there.

Originally published at Welcome To The Dollhouse. You can comment here or there.

Our potential birth mom is one centimeter dilated. That was the message I got on my blackberry when my plane stopped in Denver for a refueling stop on the way to San Francisco.

One centimeter?! Did that mean she’s going to deliver? Should I fight my way off the plane and head back to Philly? My OB training that was last seen during medical school did not come back to me easily. I frantically called Auntie M, the OB/GYN in the family for an answer. I couldn’t reach her. I then called our social worker who recommended calming down, as labor had not started. Phew.

This little fire drill brought the reality of our situation home in a big way. In a short while, I could be someone’s mother. We’re talking about 2 weeks time now. Good lord! I don’t think I’m at all ready.

I think I need a name to call our potential birth mother/expectant mother. Let’s call her Josie. Josie and I have chatted a few times since our meeting. We’ve been arranging cord blood banking, the protocol for when she goes to the hospital, and just chatting about the upcoming birth. I think she is a total love.

When the plane landed in SF, I called Josie to make sure she wasn’t, in fact, in labor. She assured me that she was fine. I asked her to keep the little girl resting comfortably inside until I got back to the area on Friday. She laughed.

When I got to the hotel, my darling Millie met up with me for some much needed baby shopping. We went to Giggle, Janie & Jack, and Baby Gap. Millie encouraged me to buy the entire store some necessities that I didn’t have for munchkin-girl.

See what she made me buy?

The part that was really cool (other than the wonderful thrill of shopping with my girl, Millie) was that when the store clerk asked if I was buying gifts, I got to reply, “No, I’m buying for my daughter.” (Yes, a little premature, but bear with me.)

I’ll admit that I’m starting to see this as really happening. Yes, I know that Josie can change her mind. However, hope is really burgeoning inside me. I’ve started to think of all the things that still need to be done. I need to find a pediatrician, get the car seat installation checked, figure out what I can do for day care since I seem to be 133 on the wait list for day care at my job. Arrgh!

Despite all this stress, however, I did manage to buy myself a kick-ass pair of Stuart Weitzman red patent leather pumps:

According to Millie, they are perfect for Mommy & Me. I believe her.


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