(no subject)

Jan 29, 2006 22:04

So i have this AWESOME new layout, it's a Kill Hannah Layout, I LOVE it!!!!
So I've been talking to Eddie ALOT now again, and come to find out, one of his bitchy little female friends who likes him fucking blocked me, thats why I havent talked to him in so long. She WILL be getting an ass beating from me when I see this bitch. You dont fuck with how me and Eddie are, he's my ex, and both our frist true love was with eatch other, now we're like bestfriend, and nothing will change that, ever, and people need to get over it and move the fuck on and stop being jealous of how we are. Even if he will be mine again when I get my car ;) teehehe. But He already knows that and agreed with me, so yay. I'm going to marry that kid I swear, I love hmm so much it hurts horribly.

ANYWAYS Enough of that sappy shit
I havent fuckin seen Kenny in forever, Miss her like mad crazy. Also I still dont know my new classes and those start tomorrow, Imma have to go to school early and try to find those out.

Now that thats all done and said, I have nothing else to do but leave with you this...

Some recent pictures.

RIGHT after I got them done on Tuesday.


awww look how big shes getting. It seems like she was JUST a tiny baby now shes 6!

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