Of Geeks and Jocks ch.2/?

Feb 09, 2009 11:30


Title: Of Geeks and Jocks ch.2/?
Author:  underdog_14 
Pairing: Jensen/Jared (eventually)
Other pairing(s): Steve/Chris, Tom/Mike (eventually) and many others 
Rating: NC-17 (eventually, the first few chapters are PG-13 to be safe)
Disclaimer: None of this is real, just my crazy imagination  
Summary: Jensen doesn't get these kinda feelings,love is pointless effort. But when he meets 
the new star of the basketball team his emotions might get the best of him. 
Warnings: umm.............bullying .. for now ...
Note 1: beta by the amazing  geek_hunter
Note 2: So this is a new fic "jumps up and down". The boy are both the same age, there will be many characters add as I write. Also I will be switching between Jensen's POV and Jared's POV every second chapter. If remember what else I was going to put here I will put it on XD
Note 3: I will try to post as often but I will be working on three or four fics so it might take me a few days to update.
Thanks To:   heartdrawndream for the awesome banner!! (again) As well as the idea to do this one :P
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Chapter two!!  )

j2 fic

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