Nov 22, 2010 09:21
The thing is, Facebook is so much easier. And the twitter-ish-length status update field allows one to say something without feeling one must write an essay.
The downside to Facebook is it's very much not anonymous, and my family members read it, and my boss, while not a "friend" may somehow find it, so I can't say things there like I (probably stupidly) feel like I can say here. Like, for instance, my boss is a walking turd. My boss is a tool. My boss needs an enema.
Or other things, like, I think I would be happier as a telecommute writer/editor person. Sometimes I hate editing, sure, but I'm getting better and better at it, and it pays pretty well, and one can do it from anywhere, and I'm tired of working in an office. I think this inability to conform to the reality of office life (getting up early, having to do what someone tells me to do) is the real source of all my job hate, not working itself. It's the real reason college teaching appeals to me (a college teacher has a lot of autonomy) and the primary reason highschool teaching scares me (all those TAKS, all those parents, all that being required to arrive on time.) Anyway, I am freaking determined to work for the state for 5 years and earn that freaking pension. Even if it's tiny, even if it doesn't start until I'm 75. I've put up with a lot of crap for it. I want it.
I've always said I can't be a freelance editor because even though I think I would like it, I'm not entrepreneurial. I don't want to be constantly looking for new work. And then it hit me this weekend. Who am I kidding? I am always looking for new work. I've been looking for new work the majority of the time since November 2001. So, why do I think that wouldn't come naturally? So, I guess, try to drum up some freelance work, see how it feels, and keep working for the turd for as long as I can stand it.
Also? I'm gonna quit smoking again around December 6th-ish. No promises of forever, no nothing. I'm just gonna use a prescription and some nicotine gum and quit for however long I can manage it. The End.