Aug 11, 2004 19:00
everyone keeps quitting at work. i dont really mind all that much, but its going to suck if they hire bitches. the only upside to that was how i went through all the applications with my boss. they were all so funny and there were hundreds of them. everyone who has applied to work at the dollar store in the past few months doesnt know how to fill out an application. all you really have to do is write a reasonable desired wage and that you are available. that, and fucking spell DOLLAR right. i think youd be suprised how many ways i saw people spell it and its right there on the fucking application. anyway...
i hope this hurricane hits us. and if it does, i hope i dont lose power cause i got the first season of sex and the city and its crucial. crucial.
im sure no one gives a fuck about the dollar tree, but one last anecdote...yesterday, this lady said "i see you have coke, but do you have pepsi?" and i told her that we only had coke. she then yelled "poo!" and i said "...what?" and she walked over to me and said "poo, i say!" and left. what the fuck?!