May 21, 2005 04:41
Time now: 4:42 am
Name: Brandon
Nicknames: Brando, brandork, branbro
Piercing: nope
What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theater? Star wars:Episode III
Eye color: hazel
Place of birth: Louisville KY
Favorite Food: tofu
Ever been to Africa: nah
Ever been toilet papering: inside of a house
Love someone so much it made you cry: hmm
Been in a car accident: one my fault 3 with other people
Croutons or bacon bits: crutons
Favorite day of the week: depends on whats goin down
Favorite restaurants: Qdoba, vietnam kitchen, double dragon, mai thai
Favorite sport to watch: not real into watching sports
Favorite drink: southern style sweet tea
Favorite ice cream: cant decide
Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney.
Favorite fast food restaurant: wendys
What color is your bedroom carpet: burbur (sp?)
How many times did you fail your driver's test: none
Who did you get your last e-mail from: some dude
Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: best buy or circuit city
What do you do most often when you are bored: internerd, video games, reading
Bedtime: varies
Favorite TV shows: south park, G4techtv, seinfeld, family guy
Last person you went to dinner with: dan
What are you listening to right now? computer fan
What is your favorite color? blue
Lake, ocean or river: ocean.
How many tattoos do you have: 1/4 sleeve on my right arm, 2 others legs
Time you finished this: i'll tell you when it comes
Which came first God or Evolution? god didnt cause evolution
If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be? rachel leigh cook
If you could change something in your past, what would it be? Haaaa. I'd have worked more the past two years or started school already
Dream vacation spot? hawaii
What do you want to be doing five years from now? filming skate videos
What inspires you? usually nothing at all..culture sometimes