Feb 28, 2005 12:43
Listening to AN while in a bad mood..yea i should switch tracks before i put a whole through my laptop.
It's been a rough week. Job-less and confused about school. I've made a few amazing new friends recently, but i'm not content. I'm sure i'll be happy again after the 11th. Who can be in a bad mood after seeing bane? No one that i know. Fuck bush, fuck the lack of health care, fuck being indecisive, fuck jobs, fuck fuck fuck these memories.
Sorry I lost my posi, it'll be back.
Oh yea i can triple kickflip. Thats kinda cool. Don't buy star ocean:till the end of time. Its the slowest and most painful RPG ever. Speaking of i might finish it today..i've put way too much into it to quit and wasted money on it. If you can hook me up with a job i'll be very appreciative. Let me know.