Why both of you hold the title of DOUCHE BAGS!

Feb 28, 2005 14:08

Now to vent on the drama of high school. So 2 of my closest or so i thought "friends" had a little intervention to discuss the fact that i am fashionablly related to both of them. As in i copy them and want to be them, ya know? So they divised a plan, one of them would start to wear the crotch pin and see if i did too. Well ironically enough a very attractive "emo" kid in flint that i hang out with also wears the crotch pin. So i started to wear the crotch pin, really not taking notice of there "plan". Both of them have become aggravated with my need to copy their atire and be just like them. I cant help but think how much i love Joes Torn up Khakis and band T-shirt look, i mean thats what im going for? Not to mention Cory has been wearing jeans, Tight shirts, converse shoes and Checkerboard belts well before i have. WAIT, NO HE HASNT..i have been wearing all of those things WELL BEFORE HIM! So i have decided i dont need people who are going to set me up in failure in my life, FUCK THEM...and cory constantly complains about matt tunney, when ironically they have the same fan club and well same way of thinking. I just had to rant about these things because they are both selfish to think that i want to be them. I think its stupid, extremely petty and immature but these are the packages that come with high school. WATCH OUT CHICAGO HERE COMES A COMBINATION OF MOSTLY JOE AND CORY..not jordan!

On a happier note i got 1st place at the hardest forensics tournament ive ever competed in my whole life this makes me ecstatic

R.I.P Friendships, or so i thought
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