Apr 08, 2008 21:47
Yes, I am only posting so I can use a Jon Walker icon. But look, he is all pretty and a bassist and I don't normally like beards but guh.
Anyway. Holidays are over and that is saddd. But it also means there are only a few weeks before study leave and, well, yeah, just bring it on, basically. Maybe I'm exaggerating but all the teachers seem irritated and irritating and there's still new stuff to learn, new work to do, and why are we still getting homework and my english teacher keeps wasting time and it's all just a bit weird at the moment.
But I feel nicely detached from any sort of worry about it at the moment. Which is good, though I imagine it won't last. Still.
Totally Unrelated Point Stuck in the Middle of the Post #1:
Procrastination runs in my family, which doesn't mean it isn't my fault but at least helps me to feel a little bit better about my repeated shortfalls when it comes to motivation. Well, we take our victories where we can find them, I suppose.
Totally Unrelated Point Stuck in the Middle of the Post #2:
Does anybody like Jack Kerouac? Would I? Should I read some of his stuff even if I wouldn't like it? Opinions if you plz.
And now a Panic mini!lyricspam just because, though you kind of have to hear the song to fully appreciate. There's something beautiful about the instrumentation, the vocal, the rhythm, when Brendon sings, "She's steam..." It makes me smile every time.
from The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know
She's the smoke, she's dancing fancy pirouettes
Swan-diving off of the deep end of my tragic cigarette
She's steam, laughing on the windowpanes
That never-ending swaying haze
Oh that ever-smiling maze
Oh that ever-smiling maze... ballet.
this merits large and/or sparkly text,
where would i be without books,
music is the love of my life,
needs more ticky boxes,
things i love: bass guitars,
birkenhead highcademy gdst,
they gave me the crazy genes,
owned by jwalk,
i wrote my name surely that's an a*,
in which i go on a bit