Hello! God, I hope I didn't freak you out today. I am extremely paranoid about sbp/eljay &c.. Despite, you know, quoting it at every opportunity. >____>
Also, I see that you have friended kesti_aiita_n, which is a good thing. She lends people jackets. And books. *nods*
Oh no, it's all fine. (I'm pretty much un-freakable-outable, don't worry.) In fact, I went and had a read of SBP Part 1 again and now I'm in a good mood 'cause it got Glenn Miller into my head, so, you know, thank you. =]
Aha, are you you (stupid question, I know)? In which case, who is kesti_aiita_n? (I totally copied & pasted that, btw.) She added me a while back and I've only just read her entry about The BHS Academy Thing (TM) and realised who she is (loosely speaking), hence recent addage.
I don't get freaked out too easily. But about eljay I'm all "*FLAILS*". You'll soon realise that. Oops?
I am indeed me! Well...the one you spoke to anyway. ketsi_aiita_n is my partner in crime (I stole her jacket, she stole my book, she distracts me in various frees..). Basically, you will know her, at least by sight. XD (I'm sorry, I found you on here about a week ago through the school thing and was all "OMG ISN'T SHE COOL!?!? LET'S MAKE FRIENDS WITH HER! O WAIT DON'T ADD HER NOOOOO YR A STALKER!" ...That is how I actually talk.)
Oh my god, I'm talking in code. That is the second sign of complete paranoia. The first, of course, is fleeing like a maniac from the schools function. Work. Of. The. Devil.
In what way? Paranoid!*flail* or strange!*flail* or...? (I could go on.)
Well, yes. Probably I know the person, but have no idea they are friends with you. Either that, or they are one of those people I would recognise instantly but have no idea of the name of. Much like you, in fact. (I am very flattered by all this debate over how I might or might not think you were a stalker.)
Oh dear. Next you'll be looking for hairs on your palms. Or is that werewolves...?
Oh obv. Except, you know, at Prizegiving. All bets are off there.
This is terrible! I'm going to have to approach you on Monday and force you to tell me your name. Or steal some of your books or something. (LOL ER NO. I JUST WATCHED THE KANYE-WEST!DANCING AND LAUGHED AT FEEBLE JOKES ABOUT MIDWIFERY.)
Lol. It's not a full moon for ages now, though. (How weird is it that I know this?)
(It has only just hit me quite how coincidental this entire thing is.)
I SHALL FLEE THEN, TOO. (Please don't steal my books. That would make me sad.) (HAHAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY I NEARLY CRIED. Their faces were all "srs bznss kthnx!!" XDD) I shall reveal my name on my eljay! (Yes, that is the extent of my paranoia.)
...Pretty weird, I'd say?
(It is indeed! I AM a master of exploiting the schools listings though, if I do say so myself. (Please don't think that this makes me a rly big stalker. >____>))
Oh noes! Don't evade me! *refreshes f-page frantically* (What, Kanye-West!dancers? They are made of awesome but simultaneously really very pisstake-worthy. And, could Mrs Evans in her infinite wisdom have decided to end Prizegiving with anything more out-of-place?)
Well, yeah, but I knew that already, and if you didn't you'll soon find out.
(That is really quite strange. But, no, I meant the "I do believe in commas!" thing today, without which you might never have added me. Which would have been a shame.)
Lolz! She must have been boiling in that thing. O__O
(I know... They were actually good, but the whole thing was completely random. I suppose it was to try and convince people that ~*~YES WE ARE ARTY LOOK AT US GO~*~ which could be why she blathered on about the plays and stuff so much. *sigh*)
(Actually, I would have probably run up to you on the last day of school, screamed it at you, and then fled in shaaame. )
And she looked like she'd just come from a wedding. Maybe she had, I suppose. Everybody kept going on about her busy schedule, after all...
(Well, quite. Since it's to become a specialism of ours, now... As well as Maths. But I didn't see anyone on stage trying to solve a quadratic equation.)
(Oh dear, love. I'd probably have yelled something about jellyfish sex at your retreating back. Better this way for both of us, methinks.)
At least people at the back could make her out? And she can be easily referred to in later conversation by "that weirdo in the giant pink hat".
(Ohoho, just you wait. They're saving that for the Carol Concert. Instead of the traditional "OH NOEZ GOD WE'RE NEKKID" reading, they're installing an interactive whiteboard and making a first year talk for ten minutes on a single sample of data. Oh god. Maths coursework flashback. Nooo!)
(My reaction would have been something along the lines of "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *death*")
(Lol! Shuttup about Maths coursework, we're the last year to get that! *scream* And there is more to come, despite our having taken about the entire L5 doing the first piece. Argh.)
(Oh god, and then you could just leave school and I'd be left looking like an idiot for my last two years. "Look," they'd say, "there's that girl who shouted 'jellyfish sex!' at one of last year's leavers." Incidentally, how would you have known who I was to shout "I DO BELIEVE IN COMMAS!" at me, hypothetically speaking?)
(HAHAHA. I remember doing that and hating it. The joke's on me now, though, because I can't remember any maths at all. :/)
(HAHAHA! PWND! Well (see, this is where I start to sound like a stalker) I saw your myspace link and was all "Oh! Her!". Plus, I have a fangirl sense. Srsly. It worked on kesi_aiita_n!)
(Actually, the rest of the school has sort of ceased to exist over the past year. I hardly recognise anyone anymore! Having said that, though, I recognised who you were (I'm quite good at remembering faces). I AM NOT A STALKER. Methinks the lady doth protest too much? My fangirl sense sorts of seeks out those most likely to be slashers, I guess. It has never failed! However, it HAS only been activated twice... >____>)
(Lol! Yes, everybody is really young, and the people you used to think were really young... aren't. It's very confusing. I'd love to have a slasher radar - it'd avoid that awkward moment where you've just told somebody that you reckon Straight Male Character A and Straight Male Character B are at it like rabbits and they just look at you like, "Whatt?")
Also, I see that you have friended kesti_aiita_n, which is a good thing. She lends people jackets. And books. *nods*
Aha, are you you (stupid question, I know)? In which case, who is kesti_aiita_n? (I totally copied & pasted that, btw.) She added me a while back and I've only just read her entry about The BHS Academy Thing (TM) and realised who she is (loosely speaking), hence recent addage.
I am indeed me! Well...the one you spoke to anyway. ketsi_aiita_n is my partner in crime (I stole her jacket, she stole my book, she distracts me in various frees..). Basically, you will know her, at least by sight. XD (I'm sorry, I found you on here about a week ago through the school thing and was all "OMG ISN'T SHE COOL!?!? LET'S MAKE FRIENDS WITH HER! O WAIT DON'T ADD HER NOOOOO YR A STALKER!" ...That is how I actually talk.)
Oh my god, I'm talking in code. That is the second sign of complete paranoia. The first, of course, is fleeing like a maniac from the schools function. Work. Of. The. Devil.
Well, yes. Probably I know the person, but have no idea they are friends with you. Either that, or they are one of those people I would recognise instantly but have no idea of the name of. Much like you, in fact. (I am very flattered by all this debate over how I might or might not think you were a stalker.)
Oh dear. Next you'll be looking for hairs on your palms. Or is that werewolves...?
Ahem. Anyway. I think it's absolutely hilarious that you don't know my name. (WERE YOU NOT LISTENING AT PRIZEGIVING??!)
I think the first sign of being a werewolf is...being a werewolf? Idk. I better check my palms just in case. >___>
This is terrible! I'm going to have to approach you on Monday and force you to tell me your name. Or steal some of your books or something. (LOL ER NO. I JUST WATCHED THE KANYE-WEST!DANCING AND LAUGHED AT FEEBLE JOKES ABOUT MIDWIFERY.)
Lol. It's not a full moon for ages now, though. (How weird is it that I know this?)
(It has only just hit me quite how coincidental this entire thing is.)
I SHALL FLEE THEN, TOO. (Please don't steal my books. That would make me sad.) (HAHAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY I NEARLY CRIED. Their faces were all "srs bznss kthnx!!" XDD) I shall reveal my name on my eljay! (Yes, that is the extent of my paranoia.)
...Pretty weird, I'd say?
(It is indeed! I AM a master of exploiting the schools listings though, if I do say so myself. (Please don't think that this makes me a rly big stalker. >____>))
Oh noes! Don't evade me! *refreshes f-page frantically* (What, Kanye-West!dancers? They are made of awesome but simultaneously really very pisstake-worthy. And, could Mrs Evans in her infinite wisdom have decided to end Prizegiving with anything more out-of-place?)
Well, yeah, but I knew that already, and if you didn't you'll soon find out.
(That is really quite strange. But, no, I meant the "I do believe in commas!" thing today, without which you might never have added me. Which would have been a shame.)
(I know... They were actually good, but the whole thing was completely random. I suppose it was to try and convince people that ~*~YES WE ARE ARTY LOOK AT US GO~*~ which could be why she blathered on about the plays and stuff so much. *sigh*)
(Actually, I would have probably run up to you on the last day of school, screamed it at you, and then fled in shaaame. )
(Well, quite. Since it's to become a specialism of ours, now... As well as Maths. But I didn't see anyone on stage trying to solve a quadratic equation.)
(Oh dear, love. I'd probably have yelled something about jellyfish sex at your retreating back. Better this way for both of us, methinks.)
(Ohoho, just you wait. They're saving that for the Carol Concert. Instead of the traditional "OH NOEZ GOD WE'RE NEKKID" reading, they're installing an interactive whiteboard and making a first year talk for ten minutes on a single sample of data. Oh god. Maths coursework flashback. Nooo!)
(My reaction would have been something along the lines of "BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *death*")
(Lol! Shuttup about Maths coursework, we're the last year to get that! *scream* And there is more to come, despite our having taken about the entire L5 doing the first piece. Argh.)
(Oh god, and then you could just leave school and I'd be left looking like an idiot for my last two years. "Look," they'd say, "there's that girl who shouted 'jellyfish sex!' at one of last year's leavers." Incidentally, how would you have known who I was to shout "I DO BELIEVE IN COMMAS!" at me, hypothetically speaking?)
(HAHAHA! PWND! Well (see, this is where I start to sound like a stalker) I saw your myspace link and was all "Oh! Her!". Plus, I have a fangirl sense. Srsly. It worked on kesi_aiita_n!)
(Ahh, right. Yes, me. Am I that well-known among your peers? (*is slightly worried*) & lol at your fangirl sense! What gave me away?)
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