Mar 31, 2005 12:15
my trip to purchase was interesting. i have this thing against brocks now though. we stopped off in woodstock on the way, i never knew it was in the catskills, I was a big fan.
so i just find out in a matter of 20 mintues this morning that
johhny cochrane died, terry schaivo died, mitch hedberg died, and some guy hung himself from the I90 overpass near my house at 2 in the afternoon on easter. thats fucking crazy, can you imagine driving under that when it happened, on your way to easter mass or something? fucking oh man. and im really bummed about mitch hedberg.
i had an interview for the conservation corps. this morning, i think i got a youth leader position. yeah for good reccomendations.
there are 5000000 tons of chocolate in my house right now.
im done.
peace out mitch hedberg.