Mar 04, 2008 10:59
Cabrillo is slowly becoming more demanding. I need to focus, not go out as much, find a new job even. The latter because I plan on studying abroad in Italy during the winter season.
Flanders and I have decided on a new screenplay. It will be in the format of a "frame story" which is a story within a story much like Pulp Fiction, Magnolia, etc. We have our concepts down and some characters we'd like to work with but they aren't completely fleshed out; lack of development thus far. I think when I take Italian next semester I am also going to take the Screenwriting class so that I can either 1.)rewrite a previous piece I had finished but was unsatisfied with or 2.)Create something new and at the same time get some practice with the process of writing full lengths.
I've gotten quite a bit more talented with my guitar skills since I started back in Novemeber. I'm starting to tinker around with chord progressions of my own and practicing different techniques and what-not. Maybe I'll even decide to form some type of project, but I don't really have the time for that as of now. I'd rather focus on school and film projects. Just rambling now...