Dec 20, 2004 16:57
Today was a day for Christmakwanzaakkuh miracles.
First of all, I found a candle holder for my mom that she's wanted for a week.... 50% off. Bitchin.
Secondly, I broke the CoinStar machine at Winn Dixie. According to the cashier (who had no Christmas cheer whatsoever) I was "pushing my coins in too hard." I died a little.
Thricely, I saw Kelsey's dad at Target. Always a pleasure.
After my Target trip, I rode over to Best Buy to see what the eff was hap'nin, and it was a complete madhouse. I strolled about the CD section, perusing a plethora of CDs I can not (and probably never will) afford to buy, unknowing that I was about to meet my soulmate. I reached out to grab a lone Interpol album that was in the wrong place, and this skinny bloke with brown hair and a Weezer hoodie reached for it too. Perfect. It was all I had to keep myself from screaming "You. Yes, you. Marry me. Today." I laughed (probably much too loud) and said "I hope it's not the last one," and he said, "I need this CD. I need something new to cheer myself up." Oh good! Weezer and Interpol fan, AND he's depressed. Where does this madness end?!
"Why are you sad?" I asked, trying no to blink too much or anything remotely uncalled for.
"A lot on my mind. Too much holiday pressure," he answered. He wouldn't look at me. I didn't want to push the envelope. Or accidentally rape him.
"Well, enjoy the CD. And merry Christmakwanzaakkuh." SHUT UP! I walked off before I peed on the floor or anything.
And that's been my day so far. Jealous? Ofcourse you are.
I have to go eat dinner with Dad tonight. We're exchanging Christmas gifts. Fantastic.
I'll probably hit Kelsey's crib tonight. She's having a huge open-house party with sex, drugs, and alcohol if anyone's interested. Party of the year, my friends. Party of the year.