Jun 22, 2004 12:37
Except I wish I could just sit here and type a bitchin' entry... I liked my old journal better. It was more fun. Anyway.
Bitch # 1: My sunburn.
So, it hurts. Because it's a sunburn. My only consolation is that maybe it'll turn into a tan. Maybe. Know how I got it?? By doing WORK. I hate work. NOt like 'got a job' work, but like stuff-work. We were washing Rover (my siblings and I) and I sunburned my whole back. Pretty badly. So, that night I was washing dishes and my dad gives me this painkiller. About 30 minutes later it kicks in while I'm looking through the Victoria's SEcret catalogue (I looove Victoria's Secret!) and I look up and the room is kinda tilting and I'm just like "woah". So, I go upstairs and get in bed and try to read and go to sleep. But I can't like at all (sleep, that is). Then Travis calls and I tell him that my sunburn hurts and I took some kind of pill and I guess he can kind of tell that I'm pretty fucked up and he says so and then he asks if he can come over (to laugh at me!) and I say something along the lines of "Ok, baaayyyby, but you juddst godda come upstairs cause I'm not gonna go downstairs, ok baaayyby?" I was a little out of it. Then he comes over and he laughs at me a lot. And I'm just talking away and I'm telling him how much I love him ("I love you as much as 56 billion bags of sugar like the little pieces the things the GRAINS!" or something to that extent --> his quote, not mine) And I wouldn't let him go to sleep and I wanted to cut my hair because it was in my way and I pushed him off the bed because he laughed at me and that's about all I remember. Oh, and apparently I threw a furby under my bed because it wouldn't shut up. Finally I fell asleep at like 2 in the morning, because he was stroking my hair and singing to me. He's very sweet. I like him. But yeah, my sunburn hurts.
Bitch # 2: My boyfriend's plans for the future.
So, Travis Setterbo wants to go join the navy. FUCK THAT. AHSUFIDYIUNDS, FDSJKLC RIPEBUHRC JEJK GHDWAUIRVC HUPEWGHEBNKAMNKLVGHUIRWYH4OPJGRBF M JKEWHFIJKGDFnd dsm fkjeGHDUIgbfjkn ds XFJNFBGDAGF BAMN JDHJKFJK...!!!!! That is all the anger I feel at that. Today he told me "next month I'm going to the recruiting station". AHHHHGGGG!! That is the most absolutely worst idea I've ever heard. He wants to do that because he thinks he can't afford college. That's soooo ahh! b/c he can work through college w/out joining the ass-fucking navy! (BTW, no offense to anyone who is in the navy, or has family in the navy) Really, I mean, my dad went to college when he was like in his 30's, with first 3 children and a wife to support all the way till he had 5 children and a wife and a new car to support by working as a plumber! Plus, he graduated magna cum laude. So, there are alternatives to joining the stupid navy, Travis! And I don't care if I sound like a bitch/controlling girlfriend/anti-American/I don't know what. AHFDSOUHTGPUN REFD KDEBFAHFUO;HDAF.
Bitch # 3: ... Wait, I'm done bitching for the moment.
I got 1280 on the SAT. 530 on the math and 750 on the English. I wish I wasn't so math-retarded.
Ughh. I even hate this weather. And I need to pee. AND I need to take a shower.
On the plus-side, I really like my bathing suit. It's exactly what I wanted. It's perfect.
Also being on the Pill has made my boobs grow. I don't like it. They're very annoying and tender. Even Travis noticed they grew. Wait.. that would make sense. Nevermind.
I'm going.
The End.