
Aug 30, 2009 11:35

 Yoinked from 

- Post a list of up to 20 books/movies/anime/TV shows/video games/bands/etc.
- Have your flist guess your favourite character/member from each item.

1.) Harry Potter 
2.) The Beatles (double points for guessing both my favourite and the one that I used to have a crush on. And no, I'm not 65 years old, and no, they're not necessarily different members.)
3.) Bones
4.) Psych
5.) Castle
6.) Mario Kart Wii (Double points if you get both the standard character and the unlockable character. I play as either depending on which console I'm on)
7.) Xmen
8.) Shrek (This one should be obvious)
9.) Mulan (And again, obvious)
10.) The Incredibles (Ha! Not so obvious! Actually, who is my favourite character... it's not obvious to me either!)
11.) The Simpsons (Excluding Homer, because I think Homer's everybody's favourite character deep down)
12.) Family Guy
13.) Artemis Fowl
14.) Star Trek: TNG (2)
15.) Star Trek: DS9 (2)
16.) Star Trek: VOY (2)
17.) Star Trek: TOS (2)
18.) Looney Tunes
19.) Buffy
20.) U2 song (yeah, I struggled to think of anything for this bit).

Have fun!

castle, movie: mulan, tv show: the simpsons, tv show: looney tunes, family guy, movie: the incredibles, book: harry potter, tv show: bones, book: artemis fowl, movie: shrek, meme, comic book: xmen, tv show: voyager, band: u2, tv show: buffy, tv show: tos, tv show: psych, tv show: ds9, band: the beatles, game: mario kart, tv show: next generation

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