this has been such an intense week. uni started again, my writing's been taking over all of my time, i've come to the realisation that i shouldn't be in band any more. big week.
so semester 2 started this week, and we got a few new japanese word forms, including:
時 -子供の時、牛乳を飲むことができなかった。
までvsまでに -12時までに宿題を出してくださいvs8時から10時半まで漢字を勉強しました。
し~し~ -とても面白いし、頭もいいし、私と一緒に日本語を勉強しているから、アンナさんは私の友達です。
~そうです -チン子様によると、僕ちゃんは胸がないそうだ。
today was particularly fun, because between classes we went up to the gallery and proceeded to experience two hours of hilarity, involving us all getting nicknames (behold mine: hentaimama =================) and bokuchan taking chinkosama's scarf, and carolin reciprocating by shoving jess's blistex down her bra. lawl.
ANYWAY, we've got quite a bit of hw, which combined with reading the rest of the Linguistics text and doing the linguistics prep for Monday (joye), I'll be fairly busy tomorrow.
I wrote a story at the beginning of the week about a boy who falls in love with a girl with major depression. i'm very proud of this story; the boy, Tom, falls head-over-heels with the girl, Laura, and it's a depiction of their journey together. I felt really good about it; it had good amounts of sad and great moments of joy, and I was proud of how I showed Tom as an innocent character that's been pulled into Laura's difficult world. I posted it on here somewhere, I think. But anyway, I've been getting feedback, good and bad, from it and I'm going to put it into practice, and hopefully enter it in a competition or two.
all this week i've been killing myself writing stories for
dramionedrabble, and man, it's hard to do that every day. Figuring out a story with the prompts your given, writing it, editting it, responding to comments made about it. it's really much more tiring than I thought it would be. Having said that, it's been a good experience. I've got the next one to do tomorrow, then that's done.
I'm still in
dramione_ldws which has been a nice plus for me. Sadly we're still only doing the 100-word drabbles based on movies, but I'm hoping that when the numbers have dwindled down a bit we'll start on some nicer works. Of course, by that time I could be cut. Who knows. Why the frig has my writing turned blue?
I've signed up for
cw_ldws which promises to be fantastic. It's a bit more flexible, I think, than other drabble competitions I've seen. That's probably because only one character must be involved in this one, so you can pair him (or threesome him, whatever) with anybody. The slashers who have signed up will definitely get a rare kick out of that! And Charlie's such a sexy character... I'm well excited about getting the chance to play with him, as it were.
Last, but certainly not least, I've signed up to
weasley_fest, a gift exchange that's really going to test me. All of the fics involve a Weasley, as is pretty obvious by the name. I've never written something as a gift for someone, so I'm probably going to be more fanatical about getting it right than I am about most of my stuff.
This is a hard decision for me to make. I joined the band hoping that it was going to be really fun and I'd get into my horn-playing again and make it a big part of me, like it was in Japan. But I'm not getting that. I'm finding it really dull - the lowest part of every otherwise pretty fantastic week. I told dad about this and he said that the obvious solution was to give it up, and my heart and head are telling me to give it up. What is the point, really, of doing something that you don't enjoy, when there are other things (namely, writing, acting) that you could be doing instead? So I think I'm going to give band up after this semester. Maybe in a few years time I'll join another orchestra, but for now it's not high on my list of priorities.
Well, that's all from me for now. Peace out!