Dramione_Duet time!

Jun 06, 2014 22:36

Yay! One of my favourite fests is upon us once more!

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Comments 6

nightfalltwen June 6 2014, 21:43:01 UTC
I signed up! :D

Though I hope the mods don't find me too hard to pair up. I always worry about that. :-/


teenage_hustler June 6 2014, 23:21:51 UTC
I noticed! Then wiped the grin off my face, setting it instead to grim determination as I tried to be as far-reaching in what I'd like to get.

I wouldn't have said that the stuff you're into/write is that unusual.


nightfalltwen June 6 2014, 23:26:30 UTC
Nah I just worry sometimes that I'm too vanilla and mods go OMG BUT WHAT ABOUT THE KINKY STUFF??! lol.


teenage_hustler June 6 2014, 23:32:25 UTC
Now I'm imagining them haggling with you. "Could you at least cope with light bondage?" "OK, but I draw the line at handcuffs."

(secretly I'm 12 years old)


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