May 21, 2013 01:59
I am woken up from a reasonably deep slumber by AJ, who thought I started work early. I told her no, she said OK... then proceeded to talk to me for another fifteen minutes while I am clearly trying to go back to sleep.
I was in the loo, and AJ came upstairs and I hear the sound of a door opening.
Me: Ahh!
AJ: What?!
Me: I thought you were coming into the bathroom.
AJ: No, I was going into my room.
Me: Sorry!
AJ: (sounding tired and really annoyed) You made me jump.
Me: ...sorry?
Clearly purposely stopping me from sleeping is totally fine. But giving her a minimal fright when she's still awake, and pissing her off after I've apologised, is so obviously not fine that I should be disgusted with myself.
Ranting is therapeutic.