When you read this you're tagged. Take a picture of you in your current state, no changing your clothes or quickly putting on makeup. NO PHOTOSHOP. Show your F-List the real you!
The funny thing is, I'll probably leave the room with my hair like this. I'm just that awesome.
Anyway, had a great, if atypical, Christmas day. Went for Starbucks then to the game centre with friends, and we had ramen afterwards. Then I came home, finished writing at article, talked to mum and dad, and got to sleep at a startlingly decent hour. I was going to sleep a bit more this morning but my grandma woke me up with a phone call. But I am SO not complaining, because talking to my grandma and aunt (and my cousin too, for a bit - his voice has broken now, and it's weird because he sounds the same, but lower... it'll take some getting used to) is always great.
It sometimes scares me just how much I love my family.