a sus-sus-suspect device!

Jul 31, 2004 23:49

(1)Name: Derek Austin
(2)Age: 15
(3)Location: RVA
(4)Sexuality: Bering (lol get it?)

(5)color: orange

(6)pair of shoes: my old nike flights

(7)3 bands:
* The Faint
* A.R.E. Weapons
* The Clash

(8)3 books and why:
* Demons Don't Dream by Piers Anthony ... the first Piers Anthony book I read; the Xanth series is great and DDD had the great plot of the videogame
* The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown ... good because it has so much nonfiction that it blurs the line between what is truth and what is fiction; somewhat better than Angels & Demons, which was also quite good
* The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas ... plot + plot + more plot + good story = why haven't you read this yet okay

(9)actor/actress: John Travolta because I can't think of my favorite right now and he was in Saturday Night Fever

(10)movie and why: Casablanca ... what a damn fine movie;  another very good one was The Usual Suspects for the ending


(11) Abortion yes

(12) homosexuality/gay marriage yes

(13) Equal Rights yes

(14) TV Violence yes


(15) What are your hobbies? Name as many as you'd like. uh, sleeping ... okay i'll also say video games and computer programming and making music and poker and dressing well and lady huntin'

(16) If you could travel anywhere, with anyone: dead or alive, who who it be, where would you go, and what would you talk about? what a long question.

(17) What do you feel your best quality is? my intelligence

(18) What do you think is your worst quality? my lack of modesty

(19) What are the human races' best and worst qualities --why? best: opposable thumbs and ingenuity; worst: stupidity and lack of education - so many people blindly follow what they're told

(20) If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change and why? ^^^ stupidity

(21) What is your favorite subject --why? well, I plan on becoming a biologist so I guess I'll say "biology" even though I never liked biology classes and I think the large part of biology is stupid shit I don't care about

(22) What do you want to be when you grow up and why? a geneticist so that i can uh play with genes or something (or comedy "end hunger/war/poverty" option)

(23) What are your goals for the future? do well in college and get into graduate school


Word Associations:

building:  what exactly are you building?  an empire state?
chocolate: talking with my grandmother about dark chocolate
ball: base
salt: and pepper
weather: "So, how about this weather?"
wardrobe: lol there's a large white thing on my right that I could call a wardrobe so that's my word association okay
pickle: i have recently been eating these great polish pickles imported from poland they are quite good and tasty

^^^ when my eyes were really bloodshot from allergies or something

and now some pictures I am going to post here because I am an asshole and want to make this page load more slowly:

^^^ my computer

^^^ a picture I took of a flower
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