Apr 08, 2005 21:56

Ummm, so Sven has not talked to me since for ever and a day. I wish neither of us were busy so there could be more down time. But hey, as long as I got a paycheck coming in, I can be manual.

Been hanging out with my new friend Colby. He is a badass. He sings so beautiful. And he is an awesome guitar player/piano player/songwriter.
He sat down at the piano and played the most beautiful song ever, and at the end he tied in the mario bros theme song. It was so fucking awesome. We watched Ace Vanture last night, never seen that movie, it was pretty damn funny.

Kristin and I are on good pages now, I wrote her a message telling her she needed to call me and tell me what was going on. Because I was going to hang there while she dragged me around. So she called me and said she's over it and we are still friends. That makes me feel better because losing kristin would be terrible, but there was no fucking way I was going to let her play with my emotions like she was doing for a while.
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