Cos you gotta have blue hair!

Jun 18, 2006 11:04

Oh man, i love love love waking up to spam emails that make absolutely no sense. This particular one was entitled "GenuineWatch Cheap ". Phwoar! Genuine Watch??! CHEAP!? I GOTTA check that out!

"either corner disappoint convenient some? choose why words. prison thought a, respect edge meant books along. break either morning?

meant short pleasure nothing sign talked, between already hearing studied or board, familiar drew horses slow teacher. food forth bear given welcome intelligent. stopping action wanted went?"

But.... where's my cheap watch?? Ive never been more 'either corner disappoint*ed* convenient some' :(

If ANYONE can make sense out of all that, then please, show me =P I just really really want to know how "... familiar drew horses teacher." and "food forth bear given welcome intelligent" fit in to it.

now... AWFF TO THA CITAY... yo

buh bah now

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