Dear livejournal friends,
I suck at updating, but that's because I finally found stuff to do besides use the internet, which is sewing, and more sewing. I made a shirt out of a skirt and decorated my pants. I'll probably take pictures of them later because I'm happy with the shirt since it's my first clothing surgery ever.
Well, on March 3rd I saw the Secret Machines with The Moving Units and Autolux and as you might imagine, it was the greatest thing ever ever ever. Autolux was eh but the drummer was pretty good. The Moving Units look like no one really gets along, but again, the drummer is superb and he's freaking hilarious. He was really happy when I bought a shirt from him. The venue I went to (theater of living arts in philadelphia) is reallllly nice and they must have air conditioning because it was really nice in there. Everyone was smoking so all my clothes had to be washed a million times. Holy crap! The Secret Machines are so great live! They have this light show and the guitarist, Ben, is hot (or "hawt") and amazing, the drummer is cool but I couldn't really see him, because I was behind a tall kid (but still the second person back) and Brandon Curtis is my hero!! I <3 him so much. They were just awesome. I took some pictures, so here they are. I could only get one good one of the drummer.
-second best picture I took
-third best picture
I'm still pumped. Anyway, I've recently become obsessed with Dogs Die in Hot Cars (who I'm seeing on April 1st) and DEATH FROM ABOVE 1979. Who I might see on April 28th. I'm making a layout dedicated to them and their sweet-ness. I sound so lame, but I don't care! AHh.