(no subject)

Aug 28, 2006 15:10

so. whats happened in the last 22 days?
well i've been to the dr 3 times, had bronchitis (which i didn't go to the dr about), decided i like Sam (and i think God's meddling in my life), still haven't figured out what i'm doing next year, haven't done any work (in 2 weeks i have 1 essay, 3 essay drafts, and assignment and a seminar due) which is bad.
so i went to the dr (on wed) cos i wasn't sleeping (it'd been like 2 weeks, and i wasnt tired), so i waltzed up said 'i'm not sleeping, its really annoying, and oh i've been pretty depressed the last 10 years', so i nearly got diagnosed with cyclothymia or manic depression, then i had heapsa bloodtests. so the next friday i went back, bloodtests didn't show anything, oh i forgot, they decided to do bloods to check out polycystic ovaries. sleeping pills had only just started working then. so i left the dr with iron tablets, and fluroxetine (aka prozac aka antidepressent) and the dr was going to ring the endocrinologist to discuss my symptoms and lack of bloodwork showing up stuff.
so today (monday) i got a phonecall from my dr asking me to make an appointment, which i did. so i went to the dr, and she said the endo reckoned its PCOS, which kinda sucks. so i'm contemplating what i wanna do with it.
did i mention my parents are in Nairobi at the moment? on saturday they bus to Tanzania.
i also have the interesting challenge of living off $70 a week for the next 8 weeks; my rent is $90 so should be interesting lol.
i think this is a crash course in trusting in God; yet another one for this year. guess i'll wait and see what happens.
everything keeps getting better, i feel good and coping with life, then another curveball hits, but i'm coping pretty well at hte moment. i have a feeling tonight will be hard but i'll manage.
this year has been weird. its weird to like my ex-flatmate. i keep randomly bumping into him (so unless he's stalking me...) when i most need someone to make me smile, and he can actually make me do that, which is weird, cos only Trent's managed that before... and i'm over him now (about 7 months later lol)
but i really need to go write my essay...
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