Aug 21, 2008 21:10
Finally got out to the studio this morning. It's only the second time I've 'played glass' in almost a month. Gah. I so needed to get out there. I'm not even entirely sure why I wasn't getting out there, I just wasn't. Mostly sitting around the house wasting time. Literally. Just playing video games, checking email, reading books, watching movies. Basically, nothing. Still working at the Vinery part time and doing Farmer's Market, but other than that, I've just been staring. Don't know what was up with me. In any case, it's over now, or at least, I seem to be on an upward trend. Got up fairly early this morning, went out and got a full oxy tank, came home, hooked it up, made beads for an hour and a half, made and tested a couple of new frit mixes, bagged up said frit mixes to sell at the Vinery, caught up on paperwork that I needed to (show entry, paid for my seller's permit renewal), and then went swimming for 45 minutes before heading for the Vinery to work from 3 to 7. Finally, I've had a day where I actually feel like I accomplished something instead of just staring at the TV (which I also did for a half hour this morning). And, to reward my industriousness, a customer came in today and bought five of the six packets of frit I just made. Which means I need to make more. Darn. I'm hoping to do that tonight, in addition to getting in some more torch time. I really don't know why I put it off for so long. I've said over and over again that sitting down at the torch just makes me focus, makes all my stress and anxiety just go away... and yet when I get stressed and anxious, I put off going out to sit down at the torch. Go figure. I'm just self-destructive that way, I guess. Oh well. Off to make more stuff.
Also, I need to email A Room of One's Own, because they emailed me asking if I wanted to sell my goddess beads on consignment or wholesale to them like a week ago and I've been putting off replying. Tomorrow. If I take care of EVERYTHING on my to-do list today, I think my system will go into shock. But yay for companies contacting ME about stock, and also yay for possibly getting another place to sell to which'll bring in more income without me needing to be out selling. [For those of you just tuning in, if I could just work hunched over my torch 6-8 hours a day, every day, without having to stop and make jewelry and stuff and go to art shows to sell stuff and find new places to market my stuff, and work a part time job to pay for groceries, I would. I like meeting people that I sell to, Farmer's Market and ren faires are fun, but my real passion is making beads. Someone pay me a real wage to just sit and play glass all day. Please.]
By the bye, Kittelson Swim School is fairly nice to swim at. At least, it was when I went, which was in the middle of the day, when there were no classes going on and I was pretty much the only person in the pool. Lot of chlorine, which stands to reason, since they have mostly a lot of classes for kids (you do the math). So now I think I'm going to invest in a pair of swim goggles and remember to pack moisturizer and maybe conditioner for after, and I definitely need to get a cheap pair of crocs to wear around the pool and in the locker room, but for $25 a month for unlimited open swim visits, it's darned reasonable. I'd prefer to swim in a colder pool (I think it's 85 or so degrees), but that's just the Russian and Polish blood in me preferring to swim in something only slightly warmer than slush.
And that's all the update that's going to happen tonight. I want to go out and play glass some more. Or at least, I want to go get the beads that I made today and mix up some more frit.