Feb 06, 2008 16:18
Well, I just got done spending about two hours working on the driveway and sidewalk. Corner lots with fire hydrants take extra work in snowy weather. At least we have one heck of a nice snowblower (thank you retiring faculty who moved to Florida and sold us yours for a sixpack of beer). Did the sidewalk first, plus the neighbors on either side, then monkeyed around helping push a car out of the intersection (WHY do Wisconsin residents have camaros?), then did the driveway, by which time it looked like I hadn't done the sidewalks because two more inches of snow had landed on them. Then I did the path that we snowblow from our house over to the neighbor's house for the mail-lady. This entails driving the snowblower around he side of the house across the grass, which is rather fun. Anyway, I got it done and was heading back to the house across the backyard, and the nice mail-lady (whose name I knew once upon a time) poked her head around the side of the house. She'd come up the driveway because, dammit, it was plowed. She saw that I'd done the path from our house to the next neighbor's up, and gave me a hug. Not just a quickie hug, but an honest to god thankyousomuchIloveyou kind of a hug. Then she asked me to marry her. Hee. We gabbed for a few minutes, and she said that at least it's not bitterly cold, but she could do without all the drifts caused by the wind, and yes, her thigh muscles are about to explode. So, if you see your postal worker today, give them a hug and a smile for being out there wading all over the neighborhood to bring you your Netflix and your junk mail from Geiko.
When I came back inside, Marley (the cat) came meowing up to me demanding attention RIGHT THEN because OMG I'd been gone for DAYS and she's STARVING. I shoved her aside and proceeded to take off all of my snow covered stuff and boots and stuff. Then I headed for the bathroom to dry off, at which point Marley tripped me, still demanding attention. I 'splained that she didn't want lovings right then. She insisted that she did. So, I leaned down to pet her. At which point, the two metric tons of half melted snow that was clinging to my hair landed on the cat. She decided that she didn't want lovings quite that much after all. I laughed at her. I'm so mean.