Apr 29, 2005 20:15
I just biked all around town
not just down main street
all over
idk y
i felt an urge
im exhausted
my back fuckin hurts
my ass hurts
my legs hurt
and i dont feel anything on the inside
all of my stresses and worries are gone
plus i got cake and soda
a comfy chair too
and you guys to complain to
hey guess what?
i cant be at my house at all tomarrow
so lets chill my friends
let us chill till there is no more chilling to be done and we get sick of each other
my sister just came in the basement door to get something and snuck back out...
its like 8:30
I suspect that she has the munchies...
im gunna go now
leave me comments
cuz u cant help but wonder what i might think to say next...im that exciting...
PS: (WARNING: VAGUE) let yourslef be happy. Let me help you. Let go. u deserve to be happy. I love you