Title: My Happy Ending
Fandom: Smallville
Characters: Chloe Sullivan/Lex Luthor
Prompt: 77. What?
Word Count: 330
Rating: G
Author's Notes: Not mine. Will never be. No profits. Will return.
finished - october 18 2005
Hey. It’s been a long while since the last time.
I know, I know. It was right before the trial and I should have posted something here about the evidence and especially Clark’s testimony. Yet it was all a blur after the judge banged his gavel and the cameras started flashing. Both sides of the courtroom had its own highlights; Lionel handcuffed and surrounded by the press, I trapped in a Clark-sized bear-hug and left with only one of my hands free for Lex to hold on to.
I think his face was the only thing that remained vivid to me. No, wait. It was his eyes. Everything you’d ever need to know and comprehend was in his eyes.
Like you were sheltered in an ice fortress. Protection.
Like you were staring up at a clear summer sky in the early afternoon. Collaboration.
Like you were falling deep into the ocean. Love?
Oh, it couldn’t mean that, right? Who am I kidding? Myself. That’s right, only myself. I’ve relied on illusions long enough, and I’m not about to start on a whole new batch. But…
Could it…Is it even remotely possible?!
What about that time when we’d sit so close together in his study? You know, when we’d both read the documents I brought that day? Or when he’d lean ever so slightly as our arms brushed each other as I reached for another stack of papers? There were also those long hours with him hovering over my shoulder as I searched online databases and hacked repeatedly through Luthorcorp’s various cyber roadblocks. The arm around the same shoulder as he walks me to the door each night. And the very very VERY rare hugs after particularly ‘informative’ days!
They do count for something, right? Right?!
Ugh. Back to reality, Chloe. Lex Luthor is out of your league. You’re blonde, AND want to be a reporter. It’s doomed right from the start.
So much for my happy ending.