Aug 07, 2008 13:06

Guys wearing skinny black jeans, emo'd out, with flip flops on
Sheer neon tights, as pants
Wearing hipsters and a belly shirt, if you have back ass
Drinking Pepsi/Coke out of a baby bottle
Smoking, while driving, with a baby in the backseat
Driving 95k, in the passing lane, on a clear day, when the speed limit is 100k
Telling a very young, teary mother, that she should give her "brat" some sweets to shut them up, while she waits in a long line at Medicare
People not looking at traffic when jaywalking and cutting through median bushes
Banana's for 5$ a kilo

That last bit, is directly related to my current irk.

Over here, most major grocery stores are in shopping malls. People can wheel their carts (trolly, as they are called here) straight from food shopping, into Target, Jeans West, a shoe store, whatever... (Lazy much?) Most shopping center's (that would be, 'centre', here) have a baker, a butcher, a chicken seller, and a fruit and veg shop (many also have a fish shop). The local fruit and veg shop, was grand. They generally had locally grown stuff, great prices, good variety and were really nice people. I'd been going there for years. Our center is getting an upgrade, which sucksass, since--- no, not getting into it, but they suck, in a major way and prolly broke the law, when they slipped their twice rejected expansion plans, past the interim city council, when the old one was tossed out (this 'burg is full of action, let me tell you). Anyway, the fruit and veg shop was given such a bad deal with their new lease, they left. So no more fruit and veg shop. I either have to buy from the major chain (more expensive, despite the fact they screw over the farms they buy from) or I can hit up my local IGA (Ind. Grocery Assoc), which also has high prices, or I can haul it out to a wholesale place I know of, and get some there. However, the cost of petrol to get there and back, fairly well counters any savings I would get, by going in.

My kid, LOVES banana's. She would eat 10 a day, if I let her. She also likes oranges. I would buy bags of them, for pretty cheap, at the local shop. I went in there, at least 3 times a week. Banana's, less than 3$ a kilo. I could get 2 huge eggplants, for 1$ each. Zuch's for .50 each....aarrghhh. As they say down here, Not Happy Jan.

In other news...

The Wee One is spending a lot of time sticking her tongue out and going, "Mamamamamamamama" and "Babababababababa"

The Babbler is back to being naked as much as possible.

Now that the cut has mellowed out, my hair isn't big anymore. I can't do pigtails though. The layer/flippy thing...umm...no...its like some fucked anime nightmare look, if I try. Bummer that. I liked to wear those. Not so sure about the bangs. I have to fiddle. Not a fan of that.
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